Ibiza Spotlight Review
There are lots of places to find information about Ibiza online. If you’ve come to this page after searching for reviews on Ibiza Spotlight, you’re correctly doing some research about the website before booking your Ibiza Club Tickets, Hotel, or other activities on the island.
So let’s take a deeper look at Ibiza Spotlight, its history, what they offer, and whether you should buy online before you go to Ibiza or not.
Ibiza Spotlight: Its History
Back in the 70s, the internet wasn’t a thing. Crazy right? People actually got their information from newspapers and magazines. And that’s exactly how Ibiza Spotlight started out: as a printed magazine in 1976.
On the cusp of the tourism boom, Englishman Norman Skinner set up Ibiza Spotlight to share the best of what was happening on the island.

Fast forward to 1999, and Ibiza Spotlight officially launched its website www.ibiza-spotlight.com.
It was a pretty bold move considering the uncertainty around the internet at the time, though this would be critical as establishing itself as the online authority for all things Ibiza.

The website now receives over 5 million annual unique visitors, and is growing each year.
Though its audience is predominantly English speaking, you can find localised versions in Spanish – www.ibiza-spotlight.es , German, www.ibiza-spotlight.de and most recently Italian – www.ibiza-spotlight.it
What do Ibiza Spotlight do?
Think of Ibiza Spotlight as a portal for every single bit of information you need to know about Ibiza.
This includes:
- Clubbing
- Accommodation
- Restaurants
- Things to Do
- Ibiza Island News
Ibiza Spotlight also has an active forum, which is a great place to get insight into what tourists and locals alike are talking about Ibiza right now.
The Ibiza Spotlight forum is also a good place to discuss clubbing too!
Ibiza Spotlight Calendar
The Ibiza Spotlight Club Calendar is one of the most visited parts of the site.
It contains the very latest club listings for all the clubs in Ibiza, both small and large.

Listings are organised by club, and can be filtered by date, and day/night parties.
Whilst the calendar is most popular in the summer, it typically begins to populate around March-April, when promoters announce their plans for the upcoming season.
Ibiza Spotlight Tickets
Ibiza Spotlight have been selling Ibiza Club Tickets since 2004. That’s over 15 years!
They sell tickets for nearly every single event and club in Ibiza, direct from their party calendar.
The one notable exception for selling major club tickets is DC10. Whilst Ibiza Spotlight have listings for DC10 parties, it’s not possible to buy tickets through their platform (in 2025 the only ticketing agent you can buy DC10 tickets in advance is through DICE).

Should I buy Ibiza Club Tickets in advance?
It’s a great question, and one we get asked all the time.
The fact is, you will see every man and his dog try to sell you tickets for clubs when you’re in Ibiza. You will always be able to get into a club in Ibiza… because of their size it is very rare that a club will sell out.
But… ticket prices will vary depending who you go to on the island. Everyone is working on a commission to take a few euros off the ticket themselves. That’s why you’ll see €40 tickets for sale at €42, for example.
Our view is that if you know who you want to see when you go to Ibiza, then buy your tickets in advance. You won’t get any better price haggling with someone on the street, and it’s one less thing to worry about when you’re there.
Here are our other reasons to buy tickets in advance before you go to Ibiza:
1. Peace of mind
Buy your tickets in advance, and you know you’ll have guaranteed entry into the club. No rushing around buying tickets for your group last minute… you don’t need that hassle!
If you buy tickets and need to cancel, for most events you can do so and get a 100% refund 24 hours before the event.
It’s rare to get such a generous cancellation policy but there you have it.
2. Cheaper entry
You’ll find the lowest prices for club tickets when you buy online. It’s also common to see different ticket types that can save you money.
Some parties offer Early Bird discounts which can save more than €30 vs paying on the door. For example, The Zoo Project offer Early Bird tickets for just €20.

3. Save Cash for your Holiday
Let’s face it, you’re going to burn through your cash when you’re in Ibiza.
Sort your club tickets out before your trip and it’ll make it easier to make sure your holiday budget stays in tact.
4. Commit your group to your party before you go!
We like this one a lot!
When you’re in Ibiza, you’re inundated with options for where to go clubbing each night. If you’re that person in your group who knows which parties you need to check out, then buy your tickets in advance so you’ve got that commitment up front. It can pay to plan ahead…easy!

Reasons to buy tickets with Ibiza Spotlight
With all this is in mind, what about Ibiza Spotlight?
Well, here are four more reasons we recommend buying club tickets with Ibiza Spotlight over any other ticketing agent.
1. They're the most established brand on the island
Ibiza Spotlight have been selling club tickets online for over 20 years.
Trust us when we say that they know what they’re doing. Regardless, they have a support team in Ibiza who can help you out in case there are any issues.
2. You can cancel for free
It’s Ibiza. Things happen, and plans need to change.
Luckily, you can get a full refund (on most tickets) for those tickets you bought all those months ago now that it’s nearly time to go on your holiday.
Ibiza Spotlight’s cancellation policy (up to 24 hours before the event) is very generous, and extremely rare in the ticketing industry.
So we’re not encouraging flakey behaviour, but it’s something very useful to fall back on. You know.. just in case.
3. There are no booking or hidden fees
Another rarity in ticketing – no hidden fees!
The price you see on the website is the amount you will pay. No booking fees, no credit card fees. And that’s the exact amount you’d get back if you needed to cancel too.
4. It's safe
Let’s not forget security. Ibiza Spotlight use the latest encryption methods to process your payment so you have peace of mind when purchasing tickets online.

5. Save on Drinks too!
In 2019, Ibiza Spotlight also added the ability to pay for drinks packages as part of your ticket purchase.
Instead of paying €20+ for a vodka mixer, you will pay €75 for a pack of 5 drinks, which works out to €15 per drink. Every little counts!
What about deposits?
Some ticket sellers will offer you the ability to place a deposit for your club tickets and then pick them up when you’re on the island.

Well, it is another option to consider, but in general our advice is just to not buy any ticket in advance at all and buy one when you’re in Ibiza instead.
Like we said, it’s nearly never the case a club gets sold out, and you’re never more than a few minutes away from a shop / restaurant / bar / hotel where you can buy a ticket in person.
If you aren’t sure about whether you’ll actually go to the night, just don’t buy any ticket in advance at all and buy one when you’re in Ibiza instead.
When you buy tickets with Ibiza Spotlight, you buy the full ticket in advance online and that’s all you need to do.
You don’t even need to print the ticket. Just make sure your phone is charged, bring your ID, and show the ticket on your phone upon entry. If you use an iPhone, you can add tickets to your Apple Wallet too.
The process is super easy. We’ve been using Ibiza Spotlight for our tickets for over 10 years, and they’re one of the only companies we recommend buying your Ibiza Club tickets from.
If you have other questions about Ibiza Spotlight, get in touch!
We aim to give you all the info you need to buy your club tickets for Ibiza.
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